Saturday, June 14, 2014

A drink to comfort the heart - aloo bukhara juice

Taking time off from covering airport shootings, drone attacks and other assorted bombings, National Public Radio's Pakistan correspondent found time for a glass of aloo bukhara juice. How could he resist?

The sign behind the gentleman he saw drinking a glass on a 104 degree Fahrenheit day defined the benefits thus:
"Comforts the heart; increases the appetite; keeps your stomach in good order; boosts your iron count; subdues burning in the hands, feet or chest; protects you from jaundice, and is a panacea for any illness caused by an ailing liver."
What the sign did not add about the sweet and pungent spicy brew is that Prunus bokharensis plums, as well as being suitable to be eaten raw, cooked and dried, can be used also to clean metal.

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