Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Water wanking - prepare for the water sommelier

I kid you not. It has come to this. You sit down at the restaurant and are asked if you would like water. Nod your head and the sommelier is summoned. No. Not the wine one. The water sommelier.

Would sir like to try the Iskilde, Danish glacier water that evokes childhood memories of tasting raindrops? Or perhaps a bottle of the Roi, a high-magnesium water from Slovenia that has a metallic flavor reminiscent of old-fashioned aspirin and is used as a dietary supplement?

Believe me, it's coming soon to a restaurant near you. That international newsagency Reuters tells us so.
U.S. consumers spent $18.8 billion on bottled water last year, more than any other nation, according to Euromonitor International. And, the residents of drought-stricken California are obsessed with all things water.

"For me, it's about taste," said [water sommelier Martin] Riese, who adds that the flavor and character of water also is determined by terroir, which covers such things as geology, soil and climate.
Why, the man has even written a book on the subject.

You can pick up a copy from Amazon and learn about:
Can you erschmecken different mineral waters in a blind tasting? Which water goes with which dish?How is the quality of the German drinking tap water? What is living water? What does a water sommelier? The world of water leaves no questions unanswered. The authors Rose Donhauser and Martin Riese accompany the water from sources around the world to a gourmet restaurant. They describe various mineral, medicinal and table waters and explain the health aspects of water all around, whether used internally or externally. Literary and Philosophical give different insights into the wet element occupations related to water are described and illustrated the sensual aspects vividly. Water is life. So simple and at the same extensive is the theme of water!

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